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Eczema ~Cream* ~ 25!!! Ingredients* ~ including 19 essential oils ~ All Natural, Pure, Gentle & Effective ~ Please read item description*

Eczema ~Cream* ~ 25!!! Ingredients* ~ including 19 essential oils ~ All Natural, Pure, Gentle & Effective ~ Please read item description*

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Eczema ~ Cream* ~ All Natural, Pure, Gentle & Effective*

•THE BIRDCAGE• Eczema cream is so gentle, non irritating and soothing*

After Endless Research* ~ I decided to design a moisturizer suitable for individual with Eczema after a customer in Canada inquired..... It was very interesting to research all of these ingredients and this cream is loaded with some amazing Essential oils to nourish and soothe your skin*

An astonishing 25!!! ingredients are encapsulated in this little jar and it is smooth like a lush, slippery silk*

What is Eczema?* ~ Eczema is a condition where patches of skin become inflamed, itchy, red, cracked, and rough. Blisters may sometimes occur. Different stages and types of eczema affect 31.6 percent of people in the United States. The word “eczema” is also used specifically to talk about atopic dermatitis, the most common type of eczema. “Atopic” refers to a collection of diseases involving the immune system, including atopic dermatitis, asthma, and hay fever. Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin.


checks the progress of tissue degeneration, and encourages the regeneration of the skin. Its anti-viral and regenerative properties promote wound healing, cool inflammation in sores, skin ulcers, and eczema.

The antibacterial properties found in geranium oil help to protect your body from infection. Geranium oil may stop bacteria from growing on the skin helping to prevent further patch growth in the affected areas.

Treating skin inflammation is a long-standing traditional use of helichrysum oil. One laboratory study suggests that helichrysum is generally anti-inflammatory, and therefore it may be able to treat skin inflammation.

Juniper Berry~
can be effective for alleviating symptoms of eczema and psoriasis, as it helps decrease the irritation and infection that can accompany angry skin. It is very useful in massage therapy, as it is anti-inflammatory and helps mobilize excess fluid from overworked joints and muscles.

Peppermint~ Much research has been performed demonstrating and supporting the effectiveness of essential oils for therapeutic treatment and natural healing. Studies show that peppermint essential oil has significant antimicrobial and antiviral activities. It also demonstrates anti-allergenic potential as well as pain-killing and anti-itch effects. For eczema sufferers, peppermint essential oil provides good natural therapy. Its soothing, calming (anti-inflammatory), anti-bacterial¹, anti-fungal, and antimicrobial properties make it perfect for calming the effects of eczema and encouraging skin to heal more quickly.

Since lavender has antifungal properties and reduces inflammation, it can help keep eczema at bay. Lavender oil can also be used to treat psoriasis. The lavender oil helps cleanse your skin and lessen redness and irritation.

Tea tree oil contains the compound terpinen-4-ol. This compound has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help alleviate some of the redness, irritation, and swelling associated with eczema.

It naturally heals wounds and scars and improves skin tone hence ideal for repairing eczema-damaged skin. It has a sweet, spicy, resinous scent with a slightly camphoraceous top note that is great for calming the senses.

Sandalwood is able to sooth inflammatory skin conditions like eczema, dermatitis and psoriasis, as well as calm irritated skin and flatten breakouts. In Ayurvedic texts, it is known to relieve the pitta dosha, which means that it has cooling properties

Bergamot~ Bergamot essential oil heals eczema and other skin problems. It is also proven to be an excellent antidepressant in treating eczema related stress.

Roman Chamomile ~
Roman chamomile essential oil has a sweet, apple-like aroma. It has analgesic, antibiotic, and anti-inflammatory qualities. It is useful for acne, eczema, itchy skin, and rashes. German chamomile oil has very similar properties.

German Chamomile~
effective in the treatment of dry and itchy skin

Patchouli oil has a variety of additional uses throughout the world. Some of these include: treating skin conditions such as dermatitis, acne, or dry, cracked skin. easing symptoms of conditions like colds, headaches, and stomach upset.

Jojoba Oil~
Jojoba oil has anti-inflammatory and healing properties. Topical application may help relieve dryness, flaking, itching, and related symptoms. People who have inflammatory skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema may find jojoba oil especially beneficial.

Grapeseed Oil~
anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial & antioxidant properties, also very mild on skin

Rosehipseed Oil~
contains a high number of antioxidants and unsaturated fatty acids. These ingredients help make it an effective topical treatment for skin conditions like eczema. Studies have shown that rosehip oil has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities, which offer benefits such as smoother, more elastic skin.

can remedy many skin complaints including eczema. Rose essential oil has a fresh and profound rose-like fragrance. Its antiseptic properties are effective in treating dry and irritated skin.

Sheabutter~ Shea butter works like an emollient. It helps soften or smooth dry skin. Shea butter also contains substances that can reduce skin swelling. This helps treat conditions associated with skin swelling such as eczema.

Research suggests that eucalyptus oil may be an effective treatment for wounds and skin infections, thanks to its anti-inflammatory effects.

Rosemary has antibacterial and antiseptic properties making it good for acne, eczema,
dermatitis and oily skin.

Clary Sage~
Helps soothe and heal your skin

High in antioxidants and fights bacterial infections.


Thyme oil is a natural remedy for eczema as it has anti-inflammatory properties that are a natural defence against infection, swelling, pain, itching, and inflammation.

Coconut Oil~
Virgin coconut oil contains monolaurin, a fatty acid that mitigates Staphylococcus aureus (commonly known as the “Staph” bacterium) colonization that can typically develop in eczema patients. Virgin coconut oil is also superior in improving eczema compared to mineral oil (the main constituent in commercially available baby oil).

Honey* ~ Applied directly to eczema, honey could help prevent infections while moisturizing the skin and speeding healing.

•THE BIRDCAGE• "Timeless Toner" ~ Also WONDERFUL for Eczema**
(main ingredients are Ricewater and Apple cider Vinegar)*

Rice water is known to help with skin irritation caused by sodium laurel sulfate (SLS), an ingredient found in many personal care products. Anecdotal evidence has shown that using rice water twice a day helps skin that has been dried and damaged by SLS.
Many claim that applying rice water topically can soothe the skin, clear up blemishes caused by skin conditions like eczema, and help it heal.
Eczema is a common issue, and apple cider vinegar may reduce symptoms by restoring the skin's acidity levels. Also, some people report that adding the vinegar to baths helps to reduce dryness.

Benefits of Baths for Eczema* .....

Daily bathing rinses off substances such as irritants, allergens and germs that may flare eczema. That said, water and soap strips the natural oil that coats our skin surface and can make us more prone to eczema flares. Therefore, bathing for 10 minutes or less daily with lukewarm water and a limited amount of gentle soap is recommended.

There is ample research demonstrating that what lies in our bathwater can both benefit and harm eczema skin. A recent study found that bathing with hard water (high in calcium, magnesium, bromide and chloride) can increase skin deposition of an irritating chemical (sodium lauryl sulfate) that is commonly found in soaps, further irritating eczema skin.

Several additives in bathwater can improve eczema. The most well-known and widely used bathing additive is bleach. The recommendation by the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) is to add a half cup of regular strength (6 percent) bleach to a full tub of water, or one teaspoon of bleach per gallon of water for babies.

Bleach baths should be taken for five to 10 minutes two to three times weekly followed by tap water to rinse off the bleach water. Bleach baths were previously thought to improve eczema by lowering bacterial counts on the skin surface, but recent research data have shown conflicting results.

It also appears that bleach may improve eczema by alternative mechanisms, such as directly decreasing itch sensation and skin inflammation.

Balneotherapy is the practice of bathing in water with high mineral content along with relaxation techniques and dates back to the 9th century BC.
Dead Sea salt bath (PRIMARY INGREDIENT IN •THE BIRDCAGE• BATH SALTS) in conjunction with regular ultraviolet light type B treatment (UVB phototherapy) can improve eczema more than light treatment alone.

However, it remains a puzzle as to why Dead Sea salt, which has many of the same minerals found in hard water, is good for eczema skin.

Oats have anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds such as avenanthramides (a polyphenol) and vitamin E. Oat powder mixed with warm water turns oats into a colloidal mixture that deposits onto the skin’s surface to create a protective barrier to soothe the skin.

Similarly, a daily rice starch bath can improve eczema and skin barrier function. This is likely because rice bran, the outer layer of a rice kernel, can decrease skin inflammation, repair the skin barrier and lower skin irritation in eczema patients.

Additionally, beneficial natural oils can be added to bath water to help limit skin irritation caused by bathing

Beauty Botanicals
~Handmade by an Old Soul~



A fully detailed and informative script of ingredients are listed in the item description*


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